Hurricane Relief Regency Plus Windows Participates in Supply Collection
Check out our latest pictures and updates as we, “Fill the Flatbed for the Panhandle!” to help support the victims of Hurricane Michael.
***UPDATE: 10/22***
A Message from Collins Roofing Inc. St Augustine Branch Manager on our current Hurricane Michael Fill the Flat Bed Drive:
“As of now we have approximately 22 pallets worth of supplies and more shipments are due in today. We will likely end up with more than a semi-tractor trailer worth of supplies ourselves. Our conference room is packed and our warehouse is becoming jammed up!! It’s been incredible to see the generosity of businesses and individuals alike and the work put forth to make these things happen.
A humongous thank you to Andrea, who has almost single-handedly coordinated the entire effort through contacts and community groups, and who has spent countless hours and week-ends calling people, organizing, boxing, taping, labeling, etc, etc. so that everything is more easily distributed once it arrives to it’s destination. A lot more goes into this than even I realized. A strong passion and large heart make for a great combination in any effort, so my sincere gratitude to her and to everyone for caring enough to help all those in such desperate need. Fantastic Job!!!!!”